Jeanne Lazarus
Research Programs
- Governance, economic organizations program
- Knowledge, science, expertise program
Jeanne Lazarus’s research focuses on:
- Money and banks
She studies the intertwined practices of households, banks, and governments within an institutional organisation that involves banking regulation, group insurance plans, and fiscal policy.
- Public policies on household money
She analyses policies that influence the way individuals and households manage their money, take on debt, save money, choose financial products, and resolve their financial difficulties. She inquires into how these policies develop in parallel with the transformations of the welfare state, as well as into the conceptions of protection they entail.
- Luc Boltanski, Arnaud Esquerre et Jeanne Lazarus, Comment s’invente la sociologie, Paris, Flammarion, 2024
- Jeanne Lazarus, Les politiques de l’argent, Paris, PUF, 2022
- Jeanne Lazarus. « L’argent des femmes. Quelques pistes de recherche », Sensibilités : histoire, critique & sciences sociales, 2021, 1 (9), pp.60 – 71,
- Jeanne Lazarus et Damien de Blic, Sociologie de l’argent, nouvelle édition, Paris, La découverte, coll. « Repères »
- Jeanne Lazarus, L’épreuve de l’argent, Banques, banquiers, clients, Paris, Calmann-Levy, 2012.
- José Ossandon, Joe Deville, Jeanne Lazarus et Mariana Luzzi, « Financial oikonomization: the financial government and administration of the household», Socio-economic review, 2021
(en ligne :
Major issues in French society (EAP, M1)
Economic sociology (Master's degree in sociology, M2)
Dean of the Undergraduate College (2023- )
Chairwoman of the Institute Council (2022-2023) - Video
Director of the Sociology Department at Sciences Po (2020-2023)
Chair of the IEP Council (2019-2022)
Vice-Chair of the IEP Board (2016-2019)
Co-responsible for college courses in the sociology department (2017-2020)
Member of the executive board of the Society for Advanced Socio-Economics (SASE), senior adviser for the SASE Newsletter (since 2016)
Member of the editorial board of Sociologie (since 2014)
Editor-in-Chief of Sociologie (since 2023)
Member of the Scientific Council of the Banking Inclusion Observatory (Banque de France) - since 2014
Member of the editorial board of Critique internationale (2012-2016)
Member of the editorial board of La vie des idées (since 2009)
Creation of a blog following the publication of Le biais comportementaliste [The Behaviourist Bias (FR)] with co-authors H. Bergeron, P. Castel, S. Dubuisson-Quellier, E. Nouguez, and O. Pilmis (2018)
Creation of the blog "Money in the USA" during a stay in the United States (2017)
Habilitation (professorial thesis) in Sociology
Dissertation title: “L’argent en règle” [Money in order], University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis (guarantor: Nicolas Duvoux)
PhD in Sociology, with highest honour and a special commendation from the committee, EHESS (advisor: Luc Boltanski)
Dissertation title: “L’Epreuve de l’argent. Une sociologie de la banque et de ses clients” [The test of money: A sociology of the bank and its clients]
DEA (M.Phil) in Sociology, l’EHESS
Agrégation in Economic and Social Sciences
Political Studies Institute - Paris
Research Projects
Last Publications
- Lazarus, Jeanne. 2021. "Afterword." In Households and Financialization in Europe: Mapping Variegated Patterns in Semi-Peripheries, ed. Marek Mikus and Petra Rodik, 169-178. Routledge.
- de Blic, Damien and Jeanne Lazarus. 2021. Sociologie de l'argent. Éditions La Découverte.
- Lazarus, Jeanne and Stéphanie Serve. 2021. "Sauver les entreprises: Les prêts garantis par l'Etat." Revue Projet no. 380:31-36.
Press Release
- Lazarus, Jeanne and Benjamin-Noël Lemoine. 2019. "Les conséquences sociales de la dette : une insolente minimisation." Analyse opinion critique, October.
- Bergeron, Henri, Patrick Castel, Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier, Jeanne Lazarus, Etienne Nouguez and Olivier Pilmis. 2018. "La « mise en biais » des problèmes sociaux : ce que l’économie comportementale fait aux situations complexes." Analyse opinion critique, December.
- Lazarus, Jeanne. 2017. "L’éducation financière est pour une part importante une émanation de structures bancaires." Banque et Stratégie, March.